In the PressA brief history of quantitative finance , Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk, 2016. Chips off the menu: AAD vs GPUs: banks turn to maths trick as chips lose appeal Maths versus Machine, Risk Magazine 2015. Maths versus Machine, Risk Magazine 2014. Credit Suisse: Algorithmic Gymnastic , Risk Magazine 2012. Selected Publication in Finance A Path Integral Approach for Time-Dependent Hamiltonians with Applications to Derivatives Pricing, Semi-Analytical Pricing for Generalized Short Rate Models, Physics and Derivatives: Effective-Potential Path-Integral Approximations of Arrow-Debreu Densities, A Path-Integral Approximation for Non-Linear Diffusions, Machine Learning and Corporate Bond Trading, Approximation Methods for Inhomogeneous Geometric Brownian Motion, AAD and Least Squares Monte Carlo: Fast Bermudan and XVA Greeks, Real-time risk management: An AAD-PDE approach, Wrong Way Risk Done Right, Likelihood Ratio Method and Algorithmic Differentiation: Fast Second Order Greeks, Adjoint Credit Risk Management, Effective Approximations for Arrow-Debreu Prices in Short Rate Models , A Novel Model for Credit Spreads Dynamics, Algorithmic Differentiation: Adjoint Greeks Made Easy, Gestione del Rischio di Credito di Controparte in Tempo Reale, Calculating Risk in Real Time, Real Time Counterparty Credit Risk Management in Monte Carlo, Fast Greeks by Algorithmic Differentiation, Fast Correlation Greeks by Adjoint Algorithmic Differentiation, Reducing the Variance of Likelihood Ratio Greeks, Least Squares Importance Sampling for Monte Carlo Security Pricing Least Squares Importance Sampling for Libor Market Models A Closed-form Approximation of Likelihood Functions for Discretely Sampled Diffusions: The Exponent Expansion, The Exponent Expansion: An Effective Approximation of Transition Probabilities of Diffusion Processes and Pricing Kernels of Financial Derivatives, All Publications on ssrn. See stats on Google Scholar. |
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